
College Counseling Services

Initial Consultation

Email to set up your free initial phone consultation or in-person meeting. After the initial consultation, Sarah will guide you about the next steps to achieve your goals.

College Counseling Package

The College Counseling Package is a comprehensive plan to assist you start to finish in your college search and application process. Typically this process begins in the fall or spring of junior year, but we can start whenever the student is ready. This package includes full support and guidance to walk families through the entire college search and application process. Students do not have to live in Texas; Sarah has worked with students all over the country. This is the best plan if you want help with all aspects of the application process: creating your college list, how to highlight your academic and personal strengths, guidance on how to write stellar essays, mock interviews, creating a standout resume,and scholarship tips. 

Hourly College Counseling

Hourly college counseling is helpful for students who need assistance on just one or two parts of their application. Perhaps you are looking for guidance on one essay or interview tips.  This is typically for students further along in their college search process. Usually it takes one to two hours to review essay edits, fine-tune, and provide feedback.